In this video, we explore the 5 most obvious signs that Satan is controlling your church and you may not have noticed. Satan in the church is a reality that many ignore, but his demonic influences in congregations can manifest in subtle and dangerous ways. From apostasy in the church to the spread of false doctrines, these indicators should not be ignored. Spiritual manipulation in congregations and abuse of power in the church are clear signs of corrupt leadership under evil influence. In addition, occult practices in congregations and mind control in the church are practices that may go unnoticed, but are part of dangerous religious sects. These actions not only represent corruption in religious institutions, but also a serious spiritual threat to the faithful. Signs of demonic possession in the church and spiritual deception in its members are alarming that Satanic influence is active. It is crucial to be alert to these signs and remember that although religious institutions are supposed to be places of refuge and peace, they can sometimes become tools of manipulation under the control of Satan. In this video, you will learn how to identify these signs and confront them with wisdom and faith.