Today I present to you 5 problems with the hydrophore. But also their solution. Water pump recommendation: http://bit.ly/Recomandare-Hidrofor-Ie... To solve the water pump problem, you must have technical knowledge and understand what factors affect a water pump. Even when you understand its operation, it can be difficult for you to figure out which of the 120 possible problems is happening right then. That's why one of the steps to find the problem with the hydrophore is to reduce the number of factors that need to be checked. Resources & Links ________________________________________ The best water pumps [article] https://blogdeinstalatii.ro/hidrofoar... Mechanical Pressure Switch and Electronic Pressure Switch [article] https://blogdeinstalatii.ro/presostat/ Water Pump or Submersible Pump [video] • Water pump Or Submersible Pump? [What ... Submersible Pump In Water Pump System [article] https://blogdeinstalatii.ro/pompa-sub... __________________________________________ Contents: 00:00 5 problems with the water pump 01:24 Have you had problems with the water pump? 01:44 1. The water pump does not start 03:06 2. The water pump works but does not draw water 04:30 3. The water pump works jerkily or in stitches 05:22 4. The water pump does not stop 06:30 5. The water pump does not produce pressure 07 :26 6. The hydrophore starts too often 08:36 Conclusion 09:11 Technical problems (Cosmin and Razvan) Did you have problems with the hydrophore? If your answer is yes, write yes in the comments. And if your answer is no, write no. I respond to each comment in the section below. Let's talk about the hydrophore problems and their solution. 1 The water heater does not start In some situations the water heater does not start, and then look at the possible problems Check the electrical supply part, the fuse and the electrical connections of the power cable to the water heater. The pressure switch may be defective and must be replaced, or the hydrophore motor may have been flooded and burned. In some situations, the direction valve remains blocked and does not open. In this case, it must be replaced or cleaned. Starting with the electrical part of course, the connection cables and the pressure switch must be checked to see if they are ok. 2 The hydrophore works but does not let water in. It can happen that the hydrophore works but does not put water in or the water does not come with pressure. Then we can have this series of problems with the water pump: The water pump is no longer primed The pump draws air or the water level is too low The supply voltage is too low The suction no longer reaches the water Have you primed the water pump before starting? On BlogdeInstalatii.ro you can find an article that I wrote that teaches you how to prime the hydrophore. Let's see what other problems can occur at the hydrophore. 3 Hydrophore goes jerky or in stitches. When the hydrophore goes in stitches, or jerky, it works for a period of time, after which it stops and resumes the cycle. One of the causes can be too low electrical voltage. Voltage variations should not be greater than 5%. It measures the electrical tension when the hydrophore is running. After that check the pressure switch. Now we move on to the next problem with the hydrophore. 4 The hydrophore does not stop If the hydrophore stops after working for a long time, or if the hydrophore does not stop, see what the causes may be. One of the problems may be the hydrophore expansion vessel. More precisely, the membrane of the expansion vessel or bladder as it is also called. If you open the valve on the expansion vessel and water flows, it means that the membrane is broken and must be replaced. And now we move on to the next problem. 5 The hydraulic pump does not pressurize If the hydraulic pump does not pressurize, the causes may be the following: The hydraulic pump draws air or draws false air as they say The water level is too low in the fountain Or the pump is blocked due to dirt or sand And if you looked the video up to here, I'll give you one more bonus chapter. 6 The hydrophore starts too often When the hydrophore starts too often the causes are these: The pressure in the expansion vessel membrane is too low The expansion vessel membrane is full of water The flow valve or siphon does not work or has leaks Or the expansion vessel is too small These were my tips for solving hydrophore problems. As long as you have the hydrophore, you will probably change the pressure switch and the expansion vessel several times. When problems appear more and more often and the hydrophore is old, it's time to orient yourself to a new hydrophore. If you liked the video, press like, subscribe to this channel and tell your friends about it. Thank you for following me. ►Subscribe: / @blogdeinstalatii ►You can find me on Facebook: / blogdeinstalatiiro ►Read the blog: http://blogdeinstalatii.ro/ #problemehidrofor #hidrofor #BlogdeInstalatii