🎣 A carp legend who has experienced a lot in her life and has a lot to talk about! 🤩 You can find the whole podcast only here: www.patreon.com/rybomanie 🙏🏼 Join the hardest core of Rybomaniacs and get full-length episodes, bonus content, group chat, all content before youtube and no ads, you will be able to ask questions to guests , you'll get a special Fishing Mania pendant only for Patrons and there's more! 👕 You can also support the project by buying Rybomania merch at www.rybomanie.cz The partner of the episode is: https://www.maver-fishing.cz/ 🌍 FOLLOW FISHMANIA!: fb FISHMANIA: / rybomania IG FISHMANIA: / rybomania TikTok FISHMANIA: / rybomania website: www.rybomanie.cz