It is very important to consume good quality food and drinks at school and during the day to make learning easier. I have brought you 5 snack ideas, which I have put together in a way that we get all the necessary nutrients into our bodies, not just stuff ourselves with empty calories that can be found in the cafeteria. In addition to food, we should not forget about fluid intake! The video was supported by: ALDI Hungary https://www.aldi.hu/hu/ I purchased all the ingredients in the video at ALDI, you can find the store nearest you here: https://www.aldi.hu/hu/informaciok/in... You can find more lunch ideas here: https://www.aldi.hu/hu/tippek-truekko... If you are curious why the bee was included in the video, click here: https://www.aldi.hu/hu/vallalat/valas... Also read these contents on the blog: http://smarta.blog.hu/2017/08/25/mit-... http://smarta.blog.hu/2017/08/09/10-t... http://smarta.blog.hu/2016/11/29/5-er... You can get the snack box in the video here: http://bit.ly/2P2MoCb ********************************************* Here too you can meet me again: http://smarta.blog.hu/ / smartablog / smartablog *********************************************