Take advantage of a discount to see Insider's pieces: https://creators.insiderstore.com.br/... There are times when the voice actor saves the film, but the opposite also happens, especially when we're talking about a celebrity . And today, here at PeeWee, we'll look at 5 Celebrities Who SPOILED Movies with their DUBBING. #Dubbing #Mion #Insider ------------------------------ Watch PeeWeeCast on YouTube: / @peeweecast ----- - ------------------------ Be a PeeWee member, enjoy the benefits and help the channel have 3 videos per week: https://www. .com/canalpeewee/join ------------------------------ Instagram: Follow PeeWee: @canalpeewee Follow Leo: @ leopeewee Follow Miguel : @fernandemiguels ------------------------------ Twitter and lives: @leodopeewee @fernandemiguels @canalpeewee