Promo code VDUDHD for 45 days of subscription. Activate here: https://clck.ru/Tkipu Watch movies and TV series on KinoPoisk HD: https://clck.ru/TkyPu The promo code is valid until June 1 and only for new users in the Russian Federation, Belarus and Kazakhstan. That very cut piece from the interview: https://t.me/yurydud/58 Ivangai - / eeoneguy We filmed the integration at the TeatrDOC - https://www.teatrdoc.ru/ Dud - https://vdudvdud.ru/ 0:00 Where did we meet? 1:43 Why did Ivangai disappear from YouTube? 3:50 How did he get 17,000,000 subscribers? 6:52 Who are his parents? 9:13 Dud recommends a great TV series for the weekend 11:43 Is Ivangai yearning for popularity? 13:03 Shock Content 17:07 What's it like to learn about life through a computer game? 20:31 Did Ivangai steal ideas for videos? 21:51 "Hai-hai" - where did this greeting come from? 22:46 How much. Do. You. Earn 25:13 What do you think of Morgenstern? 28:39 Why aren't Ivangai's tracks plagiarism? 32:24 "I even wanted to get ahead of the West" 35:48 Why did Ivangai leave Russia? Details about surveillance 47:51 Ivangai and Anton Lyadov 50:41 What's the deal with your drugs? 58:07 Isn't it scary to keep illegal substances at home? 1:00:05 Ivangai is a feminist 1:02:45 Why does Elon Musk need to communicate with Putin? 1:04:58 What do you think of Putin? 1:06:41 Love and Mariano Ro 1:11:36 Why did love end? 1:22:03 Confession in an American church 1:29:24 "Hack Bloggers" is the worst film in the history of Kinopoisk. How did this happen? 1:34:32 Why wasn't everyone happy when he returned to YouTube? 1:38:23 How much savings does he have? 1:40:43 Ivangai made a game about himself 1:42:26 Is his game plagiarism? 1:46:10 About abstinence 1:52:36 Who would you like to be in 5 years? 1:55:21 When was the last time you cried? 1:57:15 What is strength? 1:57:22 COMPETITION!