At the dawn of the new century, a manga hero was about to change an industry forever. Without any particular talent, Naruto had within him the potential to change the world he lives in...and that of his readers. Finally, this is the essence of shonen nekketsu. Kakashi, Sasuke, Sakura and a Hokage figure to surpass, welcome to the complete analysis of the first Naruto Arc. ●▬▬♦▬▬● Writing: Alex Camino / Kamal & Kyta Supervision: Kamal & Kyta Editing: Luciole / Zuuki / Sephiwara / Noctys Sound Editing: Kamal & Kyta Miniature: Heavn ------------------------------------------------- SOCIAL MEDIA ✪Live Twitch: / kamalkyta ✪ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mont_corvo_... ✪ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MontCorvo/?f ✪ Twitter: / montcorvo_off ✪El famoso Discord: / discord ✪Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@montcorvo?lan... ✪Snapchat: / 1866121777344512 0:00 Introduction 2:45 Space and Mythology 7:42 Naruto Uzumaki 11:29 Ninja Diploma 14:40 Solitude and Becoming 17:59 Mafia and Mario 21:36 Writing Ethics 23:32 Sasuke Uchiha 27:32 Sakura Haruno 29:50 Kakashi Hatake 32:40 Composition and Combats 35:26 The Editorial Sharigan 37:28 Connect: The Ninja Way 40:06 Haku and Zabuza