4 SIGNS THAT YOUR BABY IS READY TO WALK A baby's walking is a source of much uncertainty. There are babies who are walking independently at 9 months old, and other babies who do so at one year, one year and three months old, and sometimes even a little older. Of course, it ends up causing great concern for mothers to see a baby who is 9 or 10 months old walking while theirs, who is already over a year old, is not yet ready. It is important to understand that before walking, the baby will show some signs that he is ready to do so, and there is no point in trying to rush it, there is no need. Remember that these signs are formed from the baby's birth. The fact that the baby was able to sit without support in the seventh or eighth month is a period in which he is gaining strength, balance and control of his trunk, which will later be reflected in his walking. When the baby, for example, crawls, this also helps and prepares him for his first steps. When, in addition to crawling, he kneels and stands up on his own, this also helps him walk. The first few months, in fact, the entire first year of a baby's life, prepares the baby to walk. The signs: THE FIRST SIGN is a baby who stands up on his own. It is not a baby that you are holding up, it is a baby who stands up on his own, that is, he has the strength in his legs to do so. THE SECOND SIGN is a baby who stands up on his own without any support. He stands up on his own, supported by something, but sometimes, he lets go of his little hand and stands on his own without support for a while. Of course, he becomes unstable, a little off balance, and you notice that he is still insecure. But he can stand up without support for a few moments. THE THIRD SIGN is lateral walking. The baby stands up, supported by the sofa or some piece of furniture, and walks sideways. THE FOURTH SIGN is the baby already taking little steps. He takes little steps either holding hands with you or pushing something, a toy or a high chair, for example. If the baby already shows these signs, you can, for example, place him/her on his/her feet against the wall, move away a little and call the baby to come to you. You can, for example, place a piece of furniture next to another and call the baby or place a toy that he/she really likes so that between one piece of furniture and another he/she has to take two or three steps. From then on, you will give this type of opportunity, encourage the baby, celebrate every time he/she takes a few free steps and this way he/she will begin to mature in walking. If your baby does not show these signs, you will need to adapt your home, adapt the environment and encourage your baby to crawl. If he/she is in the crawling stage, you will encourage him/her to play on his/her knees, which is super important. You will encourage him/her to play, for example, with toys, pieces, balls, things that he/she can pick up from the floor, get up and put in a little box. You can encourage the baby to take something from the bucket and give it to you or pick something from the floor, get up and put it in the bucket, playing, having fun. There are countless activities that will encourage your baby to stay standing for longer or to squat and stand up, gaining more strength in their legs and hips, improving their balance and gaining confidence so that they can then show signs and begin the long-awaited independent walking. I hope that my information, my tips and my content help you have an easier motherhood. A kiss and see you in the next video. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ✅ Grow Baby with Carolina Reinecke, Physiotherapist and mother of two daughters. ( Beatriz and Alice) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Suggestion 3 COMMON MISTAKES THAT CAN DELAY YOUR BABY'S WALKING 7 TIPS TO ENCOURAGE YOUR BABY'S WALKING - PART 2 #4signsthatyourbabyisreadytowalk #babywalking —------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ▶▶▶▶▶ ANIMATIONS CREATED BY THE SAVIO FERRAZ CHANNEL ( / savioferraz . ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------