► YOU CAN ALSO FIND ME ON: INSTAGRAM: / tortinsu If you try one of these recipes, send me photos on direct ;) Below I'll write the approximate recipes for the bread meatballs, basil pesto and orecchiette, but they are only indicative. As you can see from the video, you can adjust it by eye, like Jonathan does, according to your tastes ;) BASIL PESTO 5 bunches of fresh basil 1/2 clove of garlic a handful of pine nuts a handful of walnuts 80 g of 36-month-aged parmesan cheese 80 g of 36-month-aged pecorino cheese fine salt to taste 6 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil BREAD MEATBALLS 400 g of stale bread 1 l of lactose-free milk or water 2 eggs 100 g of parmesan cheese 60 g of breadcrumbs parsley to taste fine salt to taste 1/2 clove of garlic ORECCHIETTE 300 g of type 00 flour 200 g of semolina 370 ml of warm water ► WHAT DO I EDIT WITH Final cut pro ► WHAT VIDEO CAMERA DO I USE Iphone Xs SONY a5100