Order BLACKOUT, the latest book in the TIMEPORT saga: http://bit.ly/tmp3_AMZ New video by Stef&Phere, today we will react to the best TikToks on Squid Game! Channel suitable for all ages! ???? FOLLOW US ON TIKTOK AND INSTAGRAM ⬇ TikTok: https://vm.tiktok.com/9guN7x/ Two Players One Console (@twoplayersoneconsole): / twoplayersoneconsole Nino and Camille (@ninoandcamille): / ninoandcamille FOLLOW US ALSO HERE: TWO PLAYERS ONE CONSOLE ➤ https://bit.ly/2BpzLgp TPOC PLAYS ➤ https://bit.ly/2DV0bcj NINO GAMER ➤ https://bit.ly/2JIUwYf OFFICIAL SHOP ➤ https://tpocshop.it/ TIMEPORT ➤ http://bit.ly/StefPhereTimeport RINASCITA ➤ http://bit.ly/StefPhereRinascita WATCH OUR OTHER VIDEOS ⬇ Challenge: • CHALLENGE Reaction: • REACTION (PHOTO & VIDEO) Mystery Box: • MYSTERY BOX Board games: • BOARD GAMES In the videos we promote our merchandising and other products in licensing! #StefePhere #VeroConsolino #VeraConsolina #TPOCPlays #TwoPlayersOneConsole #Adv