#battlerosary, #padrerobsonoliveira, #eternalpain, #padrerobsoncanalvidaplena, #padrerobsondeoliveira BATTLEROSARY - Physical and Spiritual Health Father Robson de Oliveira The BATTLEROSARY is a powerful prayer we say to ask for the protection of God the Father, Jesus Christ and Our Lady in the most difficult moments of life. This infallible battle rosary should be said when we are going through difficulties, but it is also recommended that it be said daily so that we can prepare ourselves for all the challenges that may come. With this prayer we cry out for the perseverance, competence and courage we need to win our daily battles, whether physical or spiritual. First Mystery: For the sick; Second Mystery: For those who have been given up on; Third Mystery: For those undergoing treatment; Fourth Mystery: For physical health; Fifth Mystery: For spiritual health. Share: • 3rd DAY - BATTLE ROSARY - HEALTH - 0... Follow me on Social Media: Instagram: https://bit.ly/3q6y80E Facebook: https://bit.ly/331fluF YouTube: https://bit.ly/3F6rKuz #BATTLEROSARY, #battlerossianheidevencer, #battlerossianheidevencer, #battlerossianheidevencer, #battlerossianheidevencer, #battlerossianheidevencer