http://www.andreortiz.com.br - SALES COURSE - SALES TECHNIQUES - The right Sales Speaker for your Sales convention! Many salespeople don't know what to do when the customer says it's expensive! How about learning in this video 7 KILLER tips for you to get around this objection and sell more and better! These tips are from salespeople to salespeople! Come with me, come on! SUBSCRIBE FOR FREE TO MY YOUTUBE CHANNEL AND GET DAILY VIDEOS ABOUT SALES TIPS, MOTIVATION TIPS, LEADERSHIP TIPS AND PUBLIC SPEAKING TIPS TO TRAIN YOUR COMPANY: WWW.TVDOVENDEDOR.COM.BR Professor André Ortiz's blog: http://www.andreortiz.com.br Facebook and Linkedin: Speaker André Ortiz Instagram: palestranteandreortiz1 Periscope: @cursosdevendas Snapchat: andreortizbz • #39 WHAT TO DO WHEN THE CUSTOMER SAYS ...