'Repentance Song' sung by Korean traditional musician Kim Young-im [2021 BTN Yadan Beopseok]


Korea Buddhist Television Network Official channel

Published on Dec 25, 2021
About :

#Kim Yeong-im #Repentance song #BTN Yadan Beopseok With one mind, passion is the world of paradise. Boho Ohhong is the mother. Boho Ohhong is the chant of love and deeds. If you are a classmate, a good lord in the present time, a person with white hair who has made up his mind throughout his life, may he live well and enjoy life in paradise. The young gods wish for a son and a baby, and blessings for a long life and good fortune go. The two hundred heavenly temples, the two hundred heavenly temples, the prayers at the front door, the deeds of Confucius, the great lord, the eldest son, the filial sons of Chungnam, the young men, the women of Hanam, at the tip of the breast, the people born this year, in the two hundred heavenly temples, let's live our whole lives. Where do you go and come from? The three lives of fate are illegal, long live the government and the return of the three disasters and eight calamities, the misfortunes and diseases, and worries and concerns sweep away. In the deepest part of an uninhabited island, you throw away all your worries and concerns and become a person of great energy and human fortune and obtain peace and tranquility. My precious son, I will pass on the dharma to your daughter. You will become a good man of a virtuous sage. May your soul grow. Ah, ha, ah, Hena-ne, yeol-i-yeol, forty-four, na-ha, ah, ah, oh, billions of created beings, all the people, listen to what I have to say. Is there anything else in this world but humans? Everyone who is born into this world boasts and cries that they are born alone, but when you listen to the words of the dharma, you will find that no one is born alone. First, we received the merits of Sakyamuni Buddha, prayed for the flesh of our mother, received bones from our father, received the orders of the Seven Seven Stars, and prayed for the blessings of Indra. After three months, we collected blood, and after six months, our flesh was born. After ten months, we were born. What kind of efforts did our parents make to raise us? Our kind mother lay in the true place, and our baby lay in the dry place. We tasted food, and our mother ate bitter food and fed our baby sweet food. In the short night of the sixth month, we couldn’t sleep well because we were afraid of mosquitoes, bedbugs, and crickets. We held a worn-out fan in our hands, and we threw away all our worries. We covered our waists, and in the fifth month of the winter, when the cold winds of the year were blowing, we covered our children so that they would not be cold, and we pressed our feet together, and we gave them our left arm and left breast, and our adoptive parents held our children’s buttocks. The words you speak with love, tapping and banging, are silver, gold, gold. Dong-a, the treasure of the Cheongsan Mountains, Dong-a, the sun and moon of pure heaven and earth, Dong-a, in the country, a loyal subject, Dong-a, the parents’ home, a filial child, a neighborhood’s grace, Dong-a, the harmony of family and relatives, Dong-a, round and round, this watermelon, a five-colored silk, a five-colored silk, If I give you silver, I can buy you, and if I give you gold, I can buy you. When each person thinks of the affection of their parents who raised them, even Mount Tai will not be heavy. Na ha ah ah ah ah ah ha ... The great hall is narrow even if you throw it anywhere, and you play round and round. They say that it is a hundred-year-old school, but as time goes by, no one can repay the kindness of their parents, and humans die a hundred years. So, the path is gray hair, and the hand that cannot be avoided is death. The black hair has turned gray, the beautiful face has wrinkles, the ears have become deaf and become a cliff, the teeth have fallen out and fallen, and the knees are past the ears, so a ghost that never existed before appears on its own. It is heartbreaking and heartbreaking to hear the voice that criticizes it as a ghost. Even though the old man is deaf, he kicks open the closed door and says, “Look, young people, are you originally young, and are you naturally gray haired?” Do not laugh at gray hair. I also went out for a picnic the day before yesterday, but today, gray hair is my enemy. Look, my lord, listen to what I have to say. Even on the path of death, there are both old and young. The old go first, and the young go last. The glory of heaven and earth flows under God. Even water has a precedence and a later time. Just as the green waters of the mountains and rivers of Sumisan and Manjangbong flow down in sequence, they flow in sequence to the paradise of the ten kings. A tree of wisdom and devotion, born in the human world, do not be greedy and lustful. Greed and lust are the greed of the universe, and greed for a hundred years lasts only a day. Three days of deep thought are a gift. Gather ten thousand ounces of heaven and eat and spend them. If you cannot eat and spend everything, put your hands together on your stomach and go on without worries. How piti

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