Have you ever wondered why your requests to God have not yet been answered? Perhaps the answer lies in the way you have been praying, and not just in what you ask. Sometimes, what we need to understand is that it is not just about the content of our prayers, but the attitude of our heart when we approach God. Share this message with as many people as possible. This message is part of the Casa de Destino Ministry, which is dedicated daily to transforming lives through the preaching of the word. Contribute to the Ministry so that it can reach even more lives. All funds raised will be allocated to evangelistic projects so that more people may be saved and transformed by the Gospel of Christ. Make your offering: CASA DE DESTINO PIX: 29321789000164 Bank account Banco Itaú Agency: 1268 Account: 38508-3 CNPJ: 29.321.789/0001-64