Good morning everyone! Today's video is more than special, on my birthday I give 3 tips on how to better deal with life and find happiness and prosperity in a practical way! Did you like the video? Don't forget to like and comment what you thought! A hug :) I'm Dr. Isaac Efraim, Psychiatrist and Therapist (CRM 38124), I present the program Os Mistérios da Mente, which airs on Saturdays on Fala Brasil on Record TV. ✔Watch, ????Comment, ????Like, ????Save to watch again whenever you want. ???? Subscribe to the channel Dr. Isaac Efraim - Ansiedade Brasil: https://www.youtube.com/isaacefraim/?... Facebook: /anxietybrasil Instagram: /anxietybrasil Website: http://www.ansiedade.com.br #anxiety #drisaacefraim #happiness