SHORT COURSE IN ANTHROPOLOGY. 3. Human dignity. I. Dignity, an absolute good. II. Fundamental types of goods or values. 1) The useful. 2) The pleasant. 3) The worthy. III. Relative goods. 1) The useful, “doubly” relative. 2) The pleasant, “simply” relative. 3) Money, useful among the useful. IV. Goods in themselves or worthy goods. 1) Absolute goods. 2) The worthy par excellence, the person. 3) Our attitude towards the worthy. @tomasmelendogranados7578 (The same topic, better explained, Cheap online family master Edufamilia UPAEP anthropological orientation, philosophical anthropology, philosophy of the family, www.edufamilia.com; www.masterenfamilias.com) • Resolving conflicts in a positive way (B...