The best supplements in the world, according to Dr. Dayan Siebra, on SALE? It's Vitascience's birthday. Click on the link and get EXCLUSIVE access to VITA products! https://lp.vita-science.com/3gmz 3 BEST LAXATIVES TO SOLVE CONSTITUENT BOWEL Dr Dayan Siebra ---- 00:00 - Welcome to the live about laxatives 03:41 - How the intestine works 06:25 - Pay attention to the intestine 13:55 - Causes 22:23 - Tips for releasing the intestine 35:04 - Appropriate physical activities ---- See also: • Relationship between emotions and the intestine D... • POWERFUL RECIPE TO END CONSTITUENT BOWEL... • CONSTITUENT BOWEL: NATURAL REMEDY FOR... • 7 SIGNS OF BOWEL CANCER! Dr... Constipation really gets in the way of our daily lives, causing discomfort and disrupting our bodies. But don't worry, I'm here to teach you how to use 3 natural products and transform your quality of life for the better. Let's work together to improve the health of as many people as possible! ➡ Stay close to me ???? Instagram: / dayansiebra Facebook: / dayansiebra Dr. Dayan Siebra Doctor CRM CE 7024 ???? The information contained in this channel is for informational purposes only and is not intended for self-diagnosis, self-treatment or self-medication. ???? #laxative #intestine #health