Taryana Rocha is a psychoanalyst, businesswoman and youtuber. Creator of an educational program that helps children of narcissists rediscover their true selves in adulthood. Instagram: @taryana_rocha There was an audio error in the first minute of the episode, we apologize and will stay tuned so that it doesn't happen again. _______________________________ HOSTS: Criss Paiva - Instagram: @crisspaiva Twitter: @CrissPaiva Yasmin Ali - Instagram @yasyassine Twitter: @YasminYassine PRODUCTION: Vane Barreto - Instagram: @brvane7 DIRECTION: Fernanda Nanzalli - Instagram: @nanzalli BUSINESS CONTACT: [email protected] ???? PO BOX 80154 ZIP CODE: 03350-970 São Paulo - SP (Specify that it is for Venus) ✂️ CUTS OF VENUS https://www.youtube.com/@CortesdoVenu...