The second part of the journey to 2b2t: • 2b2t: War against the Trees. Get gifts in World of Warships - https://wo.ws/2Ir1DUh (Gift: battleship Dreadnought, 500 doubloons, one million credits, 30 days of premium. Important! Issued after registering a new account) Buljat': https://vk.com/buldzhat 2b2t Group: https://vk.com/2b2torg Interactive world map 2b2t (2018): https://map.daporkchop.net/#2018_100k... 2b2t is one of the oldest servers in Minecraft. Over its ten-year history, this server has seen several large-scale wars, three backdoors, and several major scandals. The community here is so toxic, angry, and absurd that griefing and cheating are part of normal life here. If you are a newbie, you will die right away. If you are a pro, you will die a little later. There are no rules or morals here, and the kindness is heart-wrenching. Here, to play regular Minecraft, you need to get out of 100,000 blocks, and the spawn here is the most dangerous place in the world. Over 10 years, the spawn has been radically transformed hundreds of times and has ceased to resemble anything logical. I will tell you about it today. And I hope this is only the beginning of our journey into the realm of anarchy. #2b2t #minecraft #buldzhat #server #anarchy #stories #spawn #minecraft