Mysterious, odd numbers such as "29.97", "44100", and "1024" are often seen in the fields of video, music, and computers. We will explain the reasons and background behind why these odd numbers have fractions. *The information presented here is the most likely of several theories. Please note that there are actually many other theories. [Contents] 0:00 Introduction 0:28 29.97 3:48 44100 7:39 1024 13:52 Summary 14:54 Conclusion [Recommended Videos] Maizo Country Diary #1 "Into the Unknown World" (Slow Commentary) • Maizo Country Diary #1 "Into the Unknown World" (Minecraft Slow Commentary) Introducing Actual Hacks and Tricks for Home-Built PCs (Slow Commentary) • Introducing Actual Hacks and Tricks for Home-Built PCs (Slow Commentary) [Reference Materials] RAID MAGAZINE Explanation! Video Production! Part 4 https://raidnet.jp/blog/02/skill-movi... Why 29.97fps? (Hatena Blog: For Whom Do I Type?) https://mossan99.hatenablog.com/entry... Why is the NTSC frame rate 29.97fps? (swk's log) http://www.kagami.org/diary/2004-12-0... Nyquist frequency (EDN Japan) https://edn.itmedia.co.jp/edn/article... Chapter 2 The budding of digital technology and its rapid growth (SONY) https://www.sony.co.jp/Products/proau... Wikipedia Nakadake (Kazuno City/Hachimantai City) https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E4%B8%...) Seagate to offer refunds in lawsuit over disk capacity (ZDNet) https://japan.zdnet.com/article/20359... Settlement reached in lawsuit over "real capacity" of HDD (ITmedia: Archive) https://web.archive.org/web/200607161... Is 1KB 1000 bytes? 1024 bytes? [Yukkuri] (Produced 2018/10/04) • Is 1KB 1000 bytes? 1024 bytes? [Yukkuri] #Yukkuri #YukkuriExplanation #TechnicalExplanation