Technical Sheet: 36th. Coritiba Round 5 x 1 Santos Coritiba: Vanderlei; Tiago Bernardi, Rodrigo Mancha and Felipe; Arílton (Leandro Donizete), Ale, Carlinhos Paraíba, Marlos and Ricardinho; Keirrison (Henrique Dias) and Ariel Nahuelpán (Guaru). Coach: Dorival Júnior Santos: Fábio Costa; Wendel (Pará), Domingos, Adaílton and Kléber; Roberto Brum, Rodrigo Souto, Bida (Cuevas) and Molina; Michael (Adriano) and Kléber Pereira. Coach: Márcio Fernandes Location: Couto Pereira Referee: Giuliano Bozzono (DF) Assistants: Renato Miguel Vieira (DF) and João Patrício de Araújo (GO) Goal: Keirrison at 27 of the 1st. time; Keirrison at 2, 30 and 35, Molina at 10, Nahuelpán at 25 in the 2nd. time. Yellow card: Marlos, Molina, Tiago Bernardi, Adaílton, Kléber Income: R$ 164,780 Paying audience: 11,455 Total audience: 13,949