Here are 25 tips to help you launch your podcast. Some tips include: having a clear topic, knowing your audience, having a catchy name and cover art, and even creating a YouTube channel for your podcast. TIMESTAMPS 00:00 Intro & General Tips 02:25 Audio & Video Quality 03:48 Scripting & Episode Structure 05:29 SEO & Website 07:47 YouTube & Promotion 10:11 Metrics & Monetization 11:01 Conclusion RSS FEEDS and YouTube: Should You Connect? • RSS Feeds and YouTube; does it suit you with... FOLLOW, RATE AND LEAVE YOUR REVIEW OF THE PODCAST https://link.chtbl.com/x5UdMPcV FREE: YOUTUBE GUIDE FOR PODCASTERS https://www.focusandbloomstudios.com/... FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM: INSTAGRAM: / focusandbloomstudios MY FAVORITE AUDIO AND VIDEO TEAM* https://kit.co/focusandbloom *I may receive a commission on purchases. COURSES: CREATION and PRODUCTION OF A PODCAST FOR ENTREPRENEURS http://podcastparaemprendedores.com/ BUSINESS RESOURCES* MY FAVORITE AUDIO AND VIDEO TEAM* https://kit.co/focusandbloom *I may receive a commission on purchases. CAPTIVATE https://www.captivate.fm/signup?ref=y... HONEY BOOK - Get HoneyBook for 20% off for one year with my referral link http://share.honeybook.com/focusandbloom TUBEBUDDY https://www.tubebuddy.com/focusandbloom NOTION https://www.notion.so/product?gspk=eW... #focusandbloomstudios #podcasting #yeseniabocanegra #podcastlatino #mercadeodigital