And this day has come! Today I will be staying in my finished underground shelter for 24 hours for the first time. from morning to morning. I'll add a bed to the house to sleep in, spend today doing things and cooking and see how the night goes. Here's what happened at night and how it happened, you can see in the video. Don't forget to comment your opinion. DUGOUT underground shelter: • I am building an underground house! Minecraft ... 15% promo code with the name BBR WILD on knives of this brand: https://knives.ge/morakniv-bbrwild Knife.ge : https://knife.ge/ YouTube: @OldBoyKnives liderfood: / liderfood.ge / liderfood. ge My flashlight and men's EDC accessories online store OLDBOY: http://edc.ge/nitecore-tipse-black To hear about future sponsors and subscribers, my contact ???? Facebook: / badribbr3 Personal Insta: / badri_bbr3