[Cast] 7 crewmates, 1 sheriff, 2 imposters, 1 mad snitch *Numbers and roles may change [Crewmate faction] ○ Sheriff - Can kill imposters and madmates - Will self-destruct if attempting to kill a crewmate - Can only kill once [Imposter faction] ○ Mad snitch - Will find out who the imposter is after completing one short task - Has the same field of vision as the imposter - Can use vents - Can take a random crewmate with him if voted out - Cannot fix power outages or community slacking [Special rules] - Reactor 60 seconds - Admins and cameras not allowed - Random spawns ------------------------------ [Today's participating members (titles omitted)] Guy https://x.com/GAI_PS5 / @gai_ps Eruko-chan https://x.com/eru38573 / @eru38573 Mana https://x.com/mana03962 / @mana0396 Jack https://x.com/_JqckN_ / @jqckn9888 Ramuchizuranrancainionjasu Laciel -------------------------------------------------- Subscribe to our channel and give us high ratings! [X (old Twitter)] https://x.com/Laciel0701 [Streaming tag] #Laciel's Tea Party -------------------------------------------------- ▼Requests for streaming and videos▼ ・Please refrain from commenting on topics that are completely unrelated to the content of the stream, or talking about yourself. ・Please refrain from excessive conversations between viewers. ・Comments that are offensive to streamers and viewers, or slander, are prohibited. ・Please refrain from talking about other streamers (other than collaborating partners). (※Unless the owner or collaborator brings it up) ----------------------------- 【Tags】 #AmongUs #AmongUs #SpaceWerewolf #AmongUs 【Credits】 Custom CSS⇒ALBA LUNA https://albalunaweb.net/assets/stream...