Edoardo Mainella worked 20 years at Google, launched Google Italy, saw the birth of YouTube, Gmail and much more! / edoardom Follow me on Instagram / marcelloascani Community Guidelines https://marcelloascani.notion.site/Li... Commercial Proposals [email protected] Do you want to grow on YouTube? Subscribe to my Newsletter https://tubemastery.marcelloascani.co... 00:00 Who is Edoardo Mainella 00:29 Youth and educational background 01:53 The first jobs and how he entered the online world 03:30 Work in London and the dot-com bubble that burst 04:47 Espotting 05:48 The turning point and joining Google 07:00 Edoardo's mission in Google 08:48 The big bosses of Google 09:54 Launch of Youtube 11:12 Launch of Analytics 12:10 How did he build his team? What was the culture like at Google? 13:30 The move to California 14:10 Layoffs, contracts and communicating vessels 15:06 The change of role at Google 16:24 Launch of CRM 18:38 What was it like to live in Silicon Valley? 20:11 Network 21:14 Complications in Google 22:33 The dismissal 23:30 His new ventures 27:11 Differences with Italy