Hello; Today I will talk about 20 things you need to know and apply before going out to sea. If you know and apply these, you will greatly reduce the possibility of having problems at sea. We prioritize safety at sea above all else. That is why we should both improve ourselves in technical matters and have good knowledge of maritime matters. Let's start with our first item. 1- Check the weather report before going out to sea You should always check the weather report before going out to sea and making a sailing plan, but you should know that weather reports are not always accurate. As the name suggests, weather forecast. You should set sail in weather that you can hold the boat and that your boat can handle. It is said that the best captain is the one who weathers the storm in the harbor. It is true in a sense, but as you gain experience, you should see harsh weather. 2- Inform your surroundings and the marina If you are going out to sea alone, you should inform your surroundings and the marina you are affiliated with. Because the simplest way is, if you slip and fall into the sea and the boat goes under you, there will be no bigger problem. The worst thing that can happen to you at sea is if you abandon the boat before the boat abandons you. 3 - Check the bottom of the boat. If the bottom of the boat is too dirty, the speed of the boat will decrease. You take risks especially in windy places and on days with currents. The bottom of the boat, the hull and the propeller should be clean. I will never forget once, I went out with a friend of mine on a boat with a very dirty bottom, I said let's not go out, we can't go back and we couldn't, we were left on the islands :) 4 - Check the engine. Generally, people go out to sea with the engine support from the places they are tied to. That's why the engine is very important for novice sailors. When the engine starts, make sure that it is throwing cooling water. I recommend that you check the oil level of the engine and transmission before every sea. The belt gap of the engine should be checked. It should be checked if there is oil and water under the engine. 5 - Check the fuel tank Definitely try to keep your fuel tank at the ideal level before sailing. If it makes air, you will deal with it and my advice especially to those who have a sailboat is to always have 20-30 lt of spare fuel with them. 6- Know how to let air into the engine When fuel is low or the boat is shaking, the engine can make air. Every sailor should know how to let air into the boat. , 7- Have adequate safety equipment. A life jacket, a newly certified, maintained fire extinguisher and a first aid kit are a must for inboard boats. 8- Wear a radar reflector 9- Know when to leave the port well 10- Do not go out into the water without an anchor 11- Know how to read the wind 12- Know how to sail 13- Do not leave your communication devices without a spare. Check your radios, most of them break down over time and cannot send data even half a mile. Have a mobile phone and charger ready. 14- Food and water should always be ready. 15- Warm clothes should be ready. 16- Have a spare GPS program. The phone should be ops or a paper map. 17- Have a tool kit. A sharp knife and some tools should be sure. 18 - Be prepared for the night even if you do not plan to sail at night. 19 - Master the right of way at sea. Do not ask for permission from fishing boats that have cast nets. 20 - Manage anger, stress and panic.