I will show you two makeup effects: the first for those who want to make up small eyes to enlarge them and the second, instead, suitable for those who have particularly round or large or protruding eyes and want to visually reduce their size. #smalleyesmakeup #roundeyesmakeup #protrudingeyesmakeup #ShadesmakeupTizianaZambelli 👇SUBSCRIBE TO THE NEWSLETTER, it's free and you could watch the exclusive Tutorials not listed here on YouTube: http://eepurl.com/hBKJJn 👉👉👉Note: For those who are already subscribed to the Newsletter, an email with the link will automatically arrive every time I publish a new exclusive tutorial. --------------------------------------------------------------- 📩CONTACTS Email. [email protected] 👉SOCIALMEDIA Instagram: / sfuma_makeup 📝BLOG https://sfumaturemakeup.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 💄List of products used in the tutorial: 🟡#1 Makeup for small eyes 🔷GOLDEN BRONZE EYESHADOW Meme, Neve cosmetics 🔷BLACK PENCIL 01, Kajal, Purobio 🔷PEARLY CREAM WHITE EYESHADOW Etoile, Neve cosmetics 🔷BLACK MASCARA Lengthening and volumizing mascara, black, waterproof, Avril 🟡#2 Makeup for round, large and protruding eyes 🔷BROWN PENCIL Kajal eyeliner, M003, ebony, Neve cosmetics 🔷MATTE BROWN EYESHADOW Espresso, Neve cosmetics Alternative: POWDER TRANSPARENT Natural translucent powder, mission invisible, Benecos 🔷MASCARA Lengthening and volumizing mascara, black, waterproof, Avril 🖌BRUSHES 231/Luxe petit crease, Zoeva 230/luxe pencil, Zoeva 223/petit eye blender n°5, Purobio