HD Documentary - Eurasian Road (1) Alexander the Great ◆ Eurasia, a distant continent that stretches endlessly. We look back at the rise and fall of civilizations that took place on this continent. 2,300 years ago, a young man born in ancient Greece ran toward the Eurasian continent. He was a 20-year-old commander who won numerous wars and was later revered as a great king. Alexander led 37,000 soldiers and headed east of Greece to Asia. He left the Mediterranean Sea in present-day Turkey, went south, passed through Egypt, entered the Middle East, and advanced to Babylon in Iraq. Then, after taking control of Iran, he crossed the rugged mountain ranges. He reached the trading city of Samarakant with its oasis, and then India. Alexander's great expedition reached 30,000 kilometers. The climax of this great expedition was the entry into Persepolis in the Persian Empire. Alexander burned down the palace and declared himself the new leader. Alexander's global empire from Europe to Asia gave birth to a history of conflict and fusion of civilizations. What does Alexander's great expedition mean to us? #Eurasia #Alexander the Great #Civilization