From September 18 to 22, 2024, in the territory of KollaSuyu, present-day Argentina, Jujuy, La Quiaca, the 16th Circle of Wise Grandmothers and Grandfathers of Mother Earth will be taking place. Wise people from various countries will be coming to share ancestral knowledge in a sacred circle. We will be honoring and strengthening the original territory of CHICHA with its sacred center and natural temple of Laguna and Cerro Colorado. The Circle of Wise Grandfathers and Grandmothers arises from the vision of several Wise Grandfathers and collaborators with the purpose of rescuing, revaluing and sharing the cultural, spiritual and philosophical knowledge of the original nations. Thus giving visibility and recognition to the different ancestral references and sharing this knowledge with the pilgrims who are approaching the meetings. These Circles of wise grandmothers and grandfathers have been walking through different countries for 16 years, strengthening the territories and communities where each meeting takes place. In this year 5,532, Gregorian year 2024, the sacred staff of the Circle has arrived in Argentina through the Kuntur group in Jujuy, La Quiaca. A process that strengthens this territory, giving us a sacred commitment to our Mother Earth, helping us recognize ourselves in the unity of diversity. Jaylli Jaylli, Jallalla, Maltiox, Ometeotl! +info: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]