WANT TO LEARN AMAZING CRAFTS FOR A GREAT SCHOOL YEAR? Summer is going to end soon and we are all going back to our studies and schools. This will be the best school year ever! Especially if you check and repeat our amazing school crafts. They help make your studies even brighter and smarter. You will learn how to cope with your tasks without some important devices (drawing circles without a compass, drawing in perspectives without a ruler, etc.). Are you ready for the best school training? Come on! Do you know that you can paint something even if you don't have paint? Use your imagination and you will be amazed! For example, colorful candies work just like watercolors. Did you know about this trick? It's really amazing. You can melt a wax crayon and make your own cool wax crayons in the shape of gum. Now, this is some spy magic! Another cool colorful craft is to make a multi-colored marker from an ordinary one. Surprised? It's not that difficult, check it out. Learn how to make an amazing Coca cola charger for your phone and learn how to introduce gadgets into your classroom. And find a bottle of Sprite in this video and learn how to copy like a pro! Now the school magic begins! Do you know how to erase without an eraser? Easy! You can use some hot glue for that. A paper clip can help you draw circles without a compass. Of course, we never forget about our smallest subscribers – they have to study too! A developmental book is a great way to learn new things. Of course, it takes time to make it, but the result is beyond expectations! They can be absolutely different – space or animals, home or different professions. Choose what your child really loves and create your own world together. Watch this video until the end and learn how to make a cool pencil case from a plastic bottle! TIMESTAMPS: 0:53 - Coca cola phone charger 2:46 - DIY draft 3:31 - Development book about space 15:41 - Copy like a pro Subscribe to our channel: https://goo.gl/cYzfZP ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our social networks: Ideas in 5 minutes: https://goo.gl/oLiN2F Facebook: /ideasen5minutos The Genius side of Youtube: https://goo.gl/r4jisX