Advertisement: ???? Get 4 extra months with NordVPN here: https://nordvpn.com/dorfuchs With a 30-day money-back guarantee! Thanks to LukasLLS and Silko Pillasch, who support me on /dorfuchs. Patreon: / dorfuchs T-shirts: https://www.DorFuchs.de/t-shirts/ Facebook: / dorfuchs Instagram: / dor.fuchs Twitter: / dorfuchs YouTube: / dorfuchs Website: https://www.DorFuchs.de/ Playlist with all math songs: http://bit.ly/MatheSongs Spotify: http://bit.ly/DorFuchsSpotify iTunes: http://bit.ly/DorFuchsiTunes 0:00 Introduction 1:41 1) polynomial interpolation 6:02 2) Areas of circles 9:25 3) Cross sum of 11^n 10:53 Advertising: NordVPN 12:11 4) Number of divisors of n! 13:30 5) 1, ..., n as factors 15:19 6) Prime numbers smaller than e^n + 1 17:09 7) Derivatives at the point 0 18:56 8) n divides 3^n – 1 20:08 9) Collatz starting values 23:28 10) 1^n + 2^n + ... + k^n as a prime number This video was produced and published for private, non-commercial use and can be used free of charge for private purposes without consultation or written permission. Please note, however, that the content or graphics of the video may not be changed. When using it, please always state the YouTube channel DorFuchs as the source. A licensing is required for commercial use and use for educational purposes that require consent, such as public film screenings, public accessibility via educational servers, learning platforms or educational clouds, etc. Licenses are available from our sales partner http://www.filmsortiment.de. This video is suitable and intended for school teaching purposes and is therefore a protected work according to §60a and §60b UrhG.