In times of rising prices, it will definitely be useful for you, my friends, to be able to make quality and cheap salami at home! This episode is really for everyone, even the biggest beginner! With Míra, we will show you chicken salami, which you can make without any butcher machines! You will only need chicken, cling film and a little spice. 1 piece of chicken approx. 1.3 kg (750 - 800 g of boneless meat) (for those who don't dare to bone the chicken, 400g of breast and 400g of thigh fillets) 2 g of ground pepper 3 g of sweet paprika 3 g of cardamom 3 g of pressed garlic 3 g of powdered sugar 15 g of regular salt 60 ml of broth Our school website www.obchodniskola.cz Master Málek's website www.mistrmalek.cz