The cabbage seedlings you sowed in April will give you the best harvest. And since all the beds in my greenhouse are already sown, I use mobile beds for seedlings. It's cheap and very practical Nastya Loseva in Telegram https://t.me/nastya_loseva_kanal Buy rattan https://t.me/Petrovskaya_Natalia BASIC RATTAN FLOWERPOT • RATTAN FLOWERPOT WEAVING IN WINTER EVENINGS... WE WEAVE FLOWERPOT BEGINNING • RATTAN FLOWERPOT WEAVING A PATTERN... CHIC RATTAN FLOWERPOT • CHIC RATTAN FLOWERPOT WEAVING A PATTERN UNPACKING A PARCEL WITH RATTAN • Unpacking a parcel with rattan I will ... - unpacking a parcel with rattan In my Telegram channel, I share news about sales and price reductions for rattan in different companies. I invite you to my Telegram channel Nastya Loseva in ZEN https://zen.yandex.ru/id/607500b7a7c3... Subscribe to the channel and click on the bell so as not to miss new videos! #seedlings #highbeds #mobilebeds #cabbageforseedlings #nastyaloseva #recipeforadeliciouslife