(The same topic, better explained, Cheap online family master Edufamilia UPAEP anthropological orientation, philosophical anthropology, philosophy of the family, www.edufamilia.com; www.masterenfamilias.com) 1. The human person (I): Introduction: When and why the need was felt to refer to any human being - each one of all - with the word "person". What does that word mean? 0:04 Cheap online family studies. Cheap online family master Edufamilia UPAEP. Free online philosophical anthropology 0:15 Close relationship family person. 0:44 Cultural anthropology and philosophical anthropology 1:20 Anthropology, in-depth study of the human being 2:05 Three moments in anthropology: a) man, superior reality; b) man as a person; c) masculine person and feminine person, man and woman 3:36 First moment. A) The human being, superior to other earthly realities. B) Various categories of human beings. In Greece and Rome: free citizens, slaves, and barbarians. 6:45 Second moment: the human being as a person. A) Infinitely infinite distance-superiority (Pascal) with respect to animals. B) Each and every human being is a person. 8:15 Third moment: Female person and male person. Two fundamental modalities of the human. The man, for the woman. The woman, for the man. 9:25 Why is it not enough to describe the human being as a man? 10:25 Influence of Christianity. Incarnation and redemption. God becomes man and dies for each and every man. 11:15 Clear awareness of the sublimity or greatness of every human being. 12:20 Incarnation and redemption. 12:50 A new term, person, to never forget the dignity and greatness of the human being. 13:20 Dignity derives only from the sublime fact of being a person 13:45 Master's degree in family Edufamilia UPAEP