This week I received support via Pix, my sincere gratitude from the bottom of my heart! It helps the project a lot and I am happy for the solidarity. Anyone who wants to collaborate with any amount: PIX [email protected] (Mateus) ____________ABOUT THE VIDEO______________ We woke up near Baixa Grande, the night was very calm, it rained a lot but the tent held up well. After drying the tent, I dismantled the camp, put all my luggage on the bike and headed to Baixa Grande. I had to stop in this city to charge my cell phone and stock up on supplies, I was in no hurry, I intended to sleep in this same city. However, the gas station was in the urban area at the entrance to the city, and in the afternoon there was a soccer game on the field in front of the place where I was going to camp. With a lot of people there and not knowing what time everything would be quiet for me to sleep, I preferred to take the road to camp further ahead in the woods. We left at the end of the day and soon it got dark. It was almost eight o'clock at night when I found a good place to camp, so I set up camp, fed Bruma, cooked and went to bed a little late and quite tired. But I didn't regret it, because the place was quite peaceful and quiet throughout the night. #Bike Trip #cycle tourism #cycle trip __________________MUSIC________________ Pilots Of Stone by Audionautix is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/... Artist: http://audionautix.com/ 230606