CONTENT OF THIS CHANNEL FROM 001 TO 050: 001 - PLAY THE GUABINA RHYTHM ON THE GUITAR. 002 - PLAY THE ARGENTINE ZAMBA RHYTHM ON THE GUITAR. 003 - SCALES AND KEY SIGNATURES. LEARN IT ONCE AND FOR ALL. 004 - SCALES AND KEY SIGNATURES. SHORT REVIEW VIDEO. THIS VIDEO WAS RE-ISSUED WITH NUMBER 030 DUE TO SOUND PROBLEMS. 005 - MY GENERATION. SCORE AND AUDIO OF THE BASS IN D MAJOR. 006 - TENTH GRADE. TUTORIAL FOR KEYBOARDS AT 70% OF THE ORIGINAL SPEED. 007 - LEARN TO HANDLE THE CIPHERING ONCE AND FOR ALL. 008 - LEARN TO DEDUCE NEW CHORDS ON THE PIANO, LIKE A PRO. 009 - LEARN TO DEDUCE NEW CHORDS ON THE GUITAR. 010 - WHAT IS THE GOOD USE OF KNOWING HOW TO SCALE AND KEY SIGNATURES? 011 - SUPER COMPLETE INTERVALS COURSE - FOR BEGINNERS. 012 - LEARN TO CHANGE THE CHORDS OF EASY AND DIFFICULT SONGS. 013 - NEW SUPER COMPLETE MUSIC READING COURSE FOR BEGINNERS. 014 - LEARN TO MARK THE BEAT, JUST LIKE PROFESSIONAL MUSICIANS DO. 015 - SOLFEGGIO EXERCISES FOR DAILY PRACTICE. 016 - HOW TO CHANGE STRINGS ON A GUITAR AND HOW TO TUNE IT. 017 - INDEPENDENCE, SPEED, PRECISION AND GOOD SOUND FOR PIANISTS AND KEYBOARD PLAYERS. 018 - SHARPS, FLATS AND NATURAL KEYS. WHAT THEY ARE AND HOW THEY WORK. Enjoy learning how the accidentals found in the scores of any harmonic or melodic instrument work. Sharps, flats and natural keys are governed by certain rules that you will begin to fully master from today. I have used the piano as a reference instrument. However, all this content applies to all harmonic and melodic musical instruments. 0:00 Greeting and welcome 0:28 Accidentals 1:03 C sharp or D flat 1:32 The black keys have two names 1:45 G sharp or A flat 1:59 What accidentals look like on the staff 3:35 The natural sign 3:52 Accidentals 4:30 Permanent accidentals: key signatures 5:32 Rules for handling accidentals All of this knowledge is used in practically all melodic and harmonic instruments. At the Mundo de la Música Academy, which is now present all over the world thanks to virtual teaching, we have the opportunity to teach each one of you all of these concepts by applying them to the following musical instruments: Organ, organette or keyboard. Piano, classical or popular. Acoustic guitar. Electric guitar. Electric bass. Saxophone. Violin. Vocal technique. Ukulele. WHAT AGE IS A GOOD AGE TO START LEARNING MUSIC? Any age is a good age to start. In the past, it was said that music was only for young children. With today's pedagogy, learning as a teenager, young professional, or retired adult is completely feasible. In fact, at the Mundo de la Música Academy, we have had students who have made very brilliant musical progress, despite having started later than other people. Music is the best companion for people of absolutely all ages and occupations. WHAT IS THE KNOWLEDGE ACQUIRED WITH THIS VIDEO FOR? In any musical instrument, there are generally notes that correspond to the white and black keys on the piano. Playing a musical instrument requires precision so that what is played is pleasing to the ear. When a song is no longer in the key of C Major, more sharps, flats, or naturals begin to appear. It is necessary to master the knowledge we have offered you in this video to perfection because they are very frequently used. The rules that govern their use must be perfectly understood and used so that the interpretation of any musical piece corresponds to what the composer has written in a score. VIRTUAL AND FACE-TO-FACE CLASSES WITH THE TEACHERS OF THE MUNDO DE LA MÚSICA ACADEMY. Reports: WhatsApp +57 3108836824. My social networks: www.facebook.com/amundomu @amundomu https://www.amundomu.com/ Whatsapp: +57 3108836993 Our best videos: • 050 SOLFEO FOR EVERYONE: BEGINNERS ... (Video No. 050 Fun solfege for beginners and advanced) • 049- THE SOUND OF SILENCE - LEARN IT ... (Video No. 049 - The sounds of silence) • 048 - PASSING LOVE - SEBASTIÁN YATRA ... (Video No. 048 - Passenger love - Yatra) • 047 - TWO LITTLE CATERERS - EASY AND FAST ... (Video No. 047 - Two little caterpillars - Learn to play it on guitar, ukulele and keyboards) • 046 ORGAN METHOD ELECTRONIC - NI... (Video No. 046 - Electronic organ method - Lessons 4 and 5) • 045 ELECTRONIC ORGAN METHOD - NI... (Video No. 045 - Electronic organ method - Lessons 2 and 3) • 044 ELECTRONIC ORGAN METHOD - NI... (Video No. 044 - Electronic organ method - Lessons 0 and 1) • 043- ALL I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS IS YOU ... (Video No. 043 - All I want for christmas is you - Version of our Virtual Christmas Concert 2021.