???? https://www.rfunews.com/christmas-... ????UNCENSORED VIDEO FOOTAGE on Telegram: https://t.me/RFUDeutsch There are many interesting updates from Kursk in this video. Here, North Korean forces attempted a risky advance through a narrow forest corridor, hoping to outwit Ukrainian defenses and launch an assault on Kruglenkoe. Instead, they ran into a deadly crater, as Ukrainian fighters used automatic grenade launchers and drones, wiping out the tightly packed assault forces before they could even reach their objective. Despite a lack of tactical success, North Korean forces continue their attacks towards Kruglenkoe, hoping to get at least a small foot in the door, as all attacks in other parts of the northern Kursk salient have failed disastrously. Kruglenkoe remains the only remaining attack vector into which the North Koreans must advance to prevent the counteroffensive from becoming a complete failure. North Korean commanders realized that the lack of effective cover left their soldiers extremely vulnerable to Ukrainian fire. Therefore, it would be important to gain a foothold in Kruglenkoe, as the village has about fifty basemented houses that could provide much better protection from Ukrainian fire and drone attacks. To this end, the North Koreans began massing their forces in the forest north of Kruglenkoe, and although they suffered heavy casualties in their attempts to cross the fields, as described in the previous reports, some survivors managed to reinforce the positions after several waves of attacks. From there, they plan to advance south, taking advantage of the protection of two narrow forests near the village. By positioning their troops at the southernmost edge of the forest, they were able to shorten the distance to Kruglenkoe to just 200 meters, allowing a quick assault on the village. From the large forest, the path that runs through the southern forests and connects them to their main positions in the north narrows. It takes the North Koreans at least an hour of walking to traverse this four-kilometer-long and 100-meter-wide corridor. This path, which is predictable and has been previously targeted by the Ukrainian forces, slows down the large assault group and gives the Ukrainians ample time to detect their movements. And as the forest becomes increasingly narrow, the assault group is forced to form up tightly, making them an ideal target. Lacking adequate training and with little advanced drone reconnaissance, the North Koreans continued on their way and regrouped at the southern edge of the forest before launching their attack across the open fields toward Kruglenkoe. With minimal cover in the narrow forests, North Korean soldiers were highly exposed to concentrated fire and could neither maneuver effectively nor take up proper firing positions. Ukrainian fighters in Kruglenkoe took advantage of this by using British-supplied Mark 17 automatic grenade launchers and pounding North Korean positions in the fields with precise and devastating fire. The combination of high rate of fire and high-explosive rounds resulted in heavy casualties among the tightly packed troops in the narrow forest. To make matters worse, the Ukrainians used hexacopters equipped with multiple thermobaric grenades. These drones, which can carry more ammunition than standard models, bombarded the North Koreans relentlessly, killing dozens of soldiers in a single sortie. The outcome of the Ukrainian precision strikes was disastrous for the North Koreans, as only a handful of them survived, while the survivors remained wounded among dozens of other fighters who were killed. The wounded eventually limped back to the rear positions surrounded by the bodies of their fallen comrades. Overall, the North Koreans launched a brutal assault through the narrow confines of the forests where they had to corral their assault troops, allowing the Ukrainians to hit them with concentrated drone strikes and grenade launcher fire. Ukrainian fighters in the area report that shooting at the North Korean soldiers is easier and less challenging than shooting at the targets during their training. Artillerymen and drone pilots know exactly which part of the forests to attack in order to maximize North Korean casualties and terribly repel their offensive.