Be sure to pay attention to the points mentioned when buying a used phone. These things are not only for Xiaomi phones, but apply to all phones. China Pack phones have caused many problems because they have unofficial ROMs and have prevented users from receiving official Xiaomi updates, especially the HyperVoice update. So, don't bother buying China Pack. You can check which models have been discontinued through the link below, which is related to the official Xiaomi website (models on this list will no longer receive updates) https://trust.mi.com/misrc/updates/phone The problem of screen ghosting and shadowing has also become very common and is mostly seen in phones that have OLED or AMOLED panels. The point is that in LCD screens, ghosting can be fixed, but in OLED panels and its sub-series, they do not disappear and are permanent. Link to Berozho's Instagram page / berooz.show Link to Berozho's Telegram channel http://t.me/berooz_show