#002 The action - The criminal action - CESMC - IGT Summary Our objective is to review the doctrine developed by the Peruvian criminal procedural jurist César Eugenio San Martin Castro, linked to the topics developed in a manual of Criminal Procedural Law. The identified materials are presented in the video. If you consider that there is material developed by the author that has not been taken into account, please inform us. Thank you. On the other hand, we invite you to review the website where we are gradually concentrating information about the Peruvian teacher, at: https://ivangomeztorres.com/cesar-eug... Finally, you can join groups on WhatsApp and Telegram: 1. CRIMINAL PROCEDURAL LAW: https://t.me/dpp_gysabogado 2. CRIMINAL PROCEDURAL LAW: https://chat.whatsapp.com/LCfgsb0fdqR... Sincerely, Iván Gómez Torres www.ivangomeztorres.com/abogado.penalista 945 554 525 #the action, #criminal action, #private crime, #public crime, #public ministry