ÇAÇA's guest this week on Çaça Sohbetler is Mehtap Yılmaz. All of Turkey got to know her with the Popstar competition. With her adventure extending from dark nightclub nights to a glittering life, Mehtap shared her difficult life story with ÇAÇA. Why did she have to work at a nightclub at such a young age? What are her angers and resentments? Why did she owe money to the nightclubs? Who is Burçak Başak? Is there someone in her life? Is she thinking of getting married? Why did what she said about the Bergen movie become a hot topic? Would she be the Mehtap of today if she hadn't participated in the Popstar competition? All of this and more on ÇAÇA Sohbetler! Let's see what ÇAÇA and Mehtap did together! It's on air now! Host Çağlar Çam Konuk Mehtap Yılmaz Subscribe so you don't miss the new episodes! • Çaça Sohbetler Episode 1 Trailer Don't forget to follow us on Instagram! @camcaglar @cacasohbetler Çağlar Çam Social Media Addresses: Instagram: @camcaglar Twitter: #çaçasohbetler Tiktok: @cacasohbetler “ÇAÇA Sohbetler” YouTube channel is managed by VEGO Production. All rights reserved. #çaça #mehtapyılmaz #pavyon