One of the academics who has worked hardest for the development of philosophy in our country, the president of the Turkish Philosophy Association, philosopher Prof. Dr. İoanna Kuçuradi addressed educators in the opening speech of #ees17. She emphasized the need for a holistically planned philosophy education by saying, “Philosophical thought is a perspective that individuals can gain with a suitable education.” She emphasized the importance of philosophical thought with the words, “When looking at others and events, it aims to see the person’s boundaries and their own boundaries, to be able to think in connection and to see their place in the context and the whole they belong to. One of our most important problems is not being able to think in connection. Rote learning is based on this,” she said. The content of the seminar will be on KEÇİ very soon! https://keciedebiyat.com/ For the 17th Literature in Education Seminar... https://gunisigikitapligi.com/projele... To subscribe: @Gunisigi_Kitapligi Website: https://gunisigikitapligi.com/ İnstagram: / gunisigi_kitapligi Facebook: / gk.gunisigikitapligi X: / _gunisigi #educationdeedebiyat #İoannaKuçuradi #philosophy #philosopher #InstitutionofPhilosophyOfTurkey #HacettepeUniversity #GoetheMedal #HumanRightsandPhilosophyApplicationandResearchCenter