Franco Colapinto, a young Formula 1 driver, was announced as a guest on Juana Viale's show. However, the cancellation of his participation generated tensions with the show's production. Nacho Viale expressed his annoyance towards the representative and Colapinto himself, calling him insolent. The situation highlights the challenges in managing guests on television shows. #ALaTarde #AméricaTV ???? News, reports and programs ???? Current information, politics, entertainment and much more. ???? Do you want to see more videos like this? Subscribe to our channel! → https://bit.ly/2LoMoQN ???? Find more news and everything about our programming on our website → www.americatv.com.ar ???? Don't forget to follow us on our networks! → Facebook: / americatv → Instagram: / americatv → Twitter: / americatv → TikTok: / americatv → Twitch: / americaenvivo ???? We are América TV, #SiempreConVos.