Zumarraga, a small town located in the Urola Garaia region, in the interior of Gipuzkoa, surprises us with an incredible natural environment and a wide range of civil and religious spaces to visit. Places such as the hermitage of La Antigua, the Plaza Euskadi, the church of the Assumption or the tower house of Miguel Lopez de Legazpi are just some examples. ⭐Full article: https://turismovasco.com/gipuzkoa/que... ⚡Subscribe! / @turismovasco ???? Online reservations: https://turismovasco.com/reservas/ind... Join the TurismoVasco.com social networks! Ongi etorri! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ✅ Facebook: / turismovasco ✅ Twitter: / @turismo_vasco ✅ Instagram: / turismo_vasco ✅ Website: https://turismovasco.com/ Thank you very much for being part of this project that unites all of us in love with the Basque Country, Euskal Herria.