It will be very difficult to stop eating these delicious zucchini chips made in the Air Fryer! They are very tasty, crispy and dry. Check out the full recipe at this link: https://www.fritadeirasemoleo.com.br/... Buy your AirFryer 8L at these links: https://bit.ly/af8lm https://amzn.to/3GHSR2u My cookbooks: https://bit.ly/LivrosFSO Visit my websites: Oil-Free Fryer - https://fritadeirasemoleo.com.br Pressure Cooker Recipes - https://receitasnapressao.com.br Bread Machine - https://maquinadepao.com.br Sou Gourmet - https://sougourmet.com.br Follow Maurício Rodrigues: Facebook: / mauricioloiolarodrigues Instagram: @mauriciorodrigues @fritadeiras @maquinadepao @receitasnapressao Contact: [email protected] or [email protected] #MauricioRodrigues #AirFryer #FritadeiraSemOleo Music CC BY License 4.0 Title: Positive Rock and Modern Summer Party - Artist: by Hooksounds Exclusive @hooksounds https://www.hooksounds.com