memories - this is what the first day of the brave little bear Cisna looked like in the enclosure. 15.04.2016. Cisna, an orphaned bear cub from the Bieszczady Mountains. We don't know what happened to her mother. When she was found by foresters from the Cisna Forestry Management, she was about 2 months old. She was too small and dependent to be released back into the wild after being rescued and cared for by veterinarians. She settled in a bear sanctuary in Poznań, which is located on the grounds of the Poznań Zoo. Cisna is the orphaned brown bear cub. It is unclear why this little bear was alone and abandoned by her mother. When she was found by a forest ranger of Cisna Forestry Management in the Bieszczady mountains, she was about 2 months old. Even after providing her with all the help she needed, she was too small and helpless to get back alone to the natural habitat and survive it. In April 2016 she was transferred to the Poznan Zoo and got a place in the bear sanctuary.