Zbigniew Ziobro is back! At an organized conference he makes accusations against Donald Tusk and Adam Bodnar, calling them criminals and accusing them of belonging to a criminal group. See more: • EVENTS ????Listen to the Express Biedrzycka PODCAST Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/5YPoge7... Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/pl/podcast... ???? SUBSCRIBE to our channels: / @superexpressofficial ???? SUPER EXPRESS / @superring_ ???? SUPER RING / @superexpress_news ???? SUPER EXPRESS NEWS / @superexpresssport ???? SUPER EXPRESS SPORT / @super_seriale ???? SUPER SERIES / @koloseumse ???? KOLOSEUM / @rozrywkase ???? ENTERTAINMENT / @niezapomniani ???? NIEZAPOMNIANI / @kostyrase ???? ANDRZEJ KOSTYRA / @conasczeka ???? WHAT'S AHEAD OF US Follow us: ???? Facebook: / wwwsepl ???? Instagram: / superexpress_se.pl ???? Twitter: / se_pl #superexpress #news #events #facts #politics #poland #ziobro #tusk #bodnar #brawl #scandal #pis