ZIGMARS LIEPIņŠ Conversations about sensitive topics


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Published on Premiered Mar 22, 2021
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A record-length conversation worthy of a history book. About the piano instead of toys and reading sheet music at the age of three, about the choice of "musician" from which there is no way back, and the first money earned in halters, about "normal" service and shovels instead of weapons, about Paul's "You, Dove, stay in my place ” and singing together with Mirdza, about the conditions of the Soviet era and the punishment of not being allowed on stage for six months, about the language of Aesop and the rock opera “Lāčplēsis”, which was written in a month and a half, about the liquidator Paula and the perfect feeling of a “departing train”, about “blah, radio are you ready to make?” and how to make money with advertising, about the lifestyle of "Radio SWH" and who Nellie Shaw is, about the "inside" of the world opera clan and administrator, about the moment when you see the end of your life and leaving the opera with a happy mind, about faith and "Mesa 2020", which "arrived" during Covid-19, for the greenhouse and the piano concert, which still owes the audience. 00:38 - Boss and friend 01:30 - about the public house of Putin's court or Krutoy's party and the trial with Tvnet 10:00 - about dad, electric guitar and violin case that smelled like a pub 12:27 - why Sigmar chose the piano, not guitar 14:35 - about dream profession in childhood - accompanist 17:03 - about the first money earned and about the first musical group 22:20 - what is "2xBBM"? 24:25 - and about the award shared with Imanta Kalniņu 28:30 - about the Conservatory, halters and living in a cage, where you can get goodies through the cracks 29:19 - how you can gather in bohemian times and about Maestro's call 33:14 - about " pops" in the army and private office 36:15 - about parallel work in other places and learning to sleep "during work" 44:56 - about the first composed music for the theater play "Spartaks" (Latvijas National Theatre, director Valdis Lūriņš) 46:00 - about returning to "Modo", which was due by law, and playing instead of Paul 47:34 - about the first marriage that failed and Mirdzu... 49:15 - about how the group or choir broke up and the problem with alcohol 51:50 - about coming to Opus and how difficult it is for the group to get permission for the name due to the conditions of the Soviet era 53:45 - about the language of Aesop and the hidden text in the song "Visa jīva man viens čeljujums..." 57:00 - about the concert, after which the culture of the Latvian USSR was called ministry 01:02:00 - for the fame in Russia with the song "However, you must think" and the watermelons you bring 01:03:02 - for the impulse in 1986 for the idea of ​​the rock opera "Lāčplēsis", its creation, "a campaign that cannot be stopped anymore , folklorists and sold out 60 halls 01:11:43 - about the opera "Paris Notre Dame" and a whole day spent planning how the main characters die 01:15:00 - about hip-maker techniques for songs 01:17:45 - about how money is made in the music industry, the first music studio about the scheme with fake concert tickets 01:22:54 - about "Showimpex", "Modern Talking" concert at the Mežapark stage and bandits 01:28:17 - about the Supreme Council reserve studio or that , how radio was born 01:29:05 - about "Klubs 21" and Ainārs Gulbja's call at night 01:32:45 - about 300 thousand dollars, a radiator-sized mobile phone 01:36:15 - about the source of propaganda - radio "Radio SWH" and the first office on Čaka street 01:38:26 - why did you "leave" the radio!? 01:38:52 - about the tandem "Ufo and Freddy" 01:39:51 - about how Ieva became a Radiogeisha 01:42:00 - about "Voice of America" ​​courses, how to make radio and how to sell advertising with "harvest management" 01:45:55 - about lifestyle - "Radio SWH", birthday parties and masquerade parties 01:47:41 - why did "Radio Amadeus" close? 01:49:15 - about chuyu, going out before the crisis, and who today owns "Radio SWH" 01:50:29 - about the coolest speech of the coolest Boss 01:51:44 - about freedom for six years and getting seriously ill 01:53: 35 - how the decision was made to agree to lead the LNO, and what had to be reckoned with 01:58:06 - about the financial tight ends of the opera 02:00:09 - about why Sigmar did not pass the test in the context of the world opera society 02:07:14 - can you know all the employees and curious with "Radio SWH" night DJ 02:08:43 - about the feeling of satisfaction ... and the feeling that "the French give" 02:14:17 - "the cleaner should be treated like a prima donna" 02: 14:38 - about the piano concert promised for the sixtieth anniversary and three works written last year 02:15:03 - about the prayer "Mesa 2020", w

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