Hello everyone, Friends! It's Klepachevsky with you and this week we continue the topic of gearbox modifications! Alexander's blog: https://www.drive2.ru/o/ZFcenter#blog ZF is one of the world's leading manufacturers of gearboxes, both manual and automatic. It is the latter that we will focus our attention on today! Why is this so relevant? Chip tuning is becoming more and more fashionable, that is, tuning from the box, it applies to both the engine and the gearbox, making your car go faster. Of course, German cars are the most popular in the chip tuning environment, which in turn are often equipped with gearboxes from ZF! In this video, we will discuss first of all the mechanical barriers and difficulties in modifying gearboxes of this brand. What is worth spending your hard-earned money on, and what is better not to fall for when charging your BMW, Audi or other car. We tried to consider this issue as broadly as possible:) Enjoy watching!