Jean-Yves Leloup is a philosopher and theologian, a man faithful to Christianity and nourished by several traditions. An Orthodox priest, he finds in particular in the teachings of the first Christians, the disciples of Jesus as well as the Fathers of the Church, the lights for a wisdom that strongly responds to the great spiritual expectations of our time. Jean-Yves Leloup invites us to draw from our roots the sap of our origins. There are treasures to be discovered in the Church of the first millennium, at the time of Christian unity. Some of these treasures have recently reappeared, such as the apocryphal gospels hidden and lost for many centuries, and which were miraculously found in Egypt in the middle of the 20th century. After a first meeting for Zeteo last year, during which he focused more particularly on the revelations of the Gospels of Thomas and Mary Magdalene, Jean-Yves Leloup comments here on his latest work, which gave rise to his recent publication: In which body do we live? If we cannot know the essence of our body, we can know the consciousness or the experience that we have of it. This is what Jean-Yves Leloup proposes: a journey through the different states of consciousness that we have of our body and that allow us to know ourselves better: an odyssey of 12 stages or, to use his favorite expression, of 12 climates. An odyssey to save us from our suffering, from our inner divisions, to free the human being in his entirety, in the unity of body and soul, by introducing consciousness and love into all dimensions of being. An odyssey to follow Christ who assumes all the dimensions of our humanity, in his body and his consciousness. He shows us the way and takes us by the hand. For Jean-Yves Leloup, what is in the image of God is neither man nor woman, it is their relationship. Here he returns to the love of man and woman in its sacred dimension, by developing the meaning of what transfigured sexuality is, and by relying on the relationship between Jesus and Mary Magdalene. Jean-Yves Leloup magnificently reveals the unity that brings together the body – fully rehabilitated – and consciousness. With depth and poetry, he allows us to glimpse the dizzying dimension of love. Everything is in the relationship, especially with our body when it has a heart. Everything is beauty, revelation and radiance of the invisible in the visible... -------------- To read In which body do we live? the most recent book by Jean-Yves Leloup often cited in this episode: https://www.laprocure.com/product/144... -------------- To discover the Sainte Vie Center, created by Jean-Yves Leloup: https://saintevielatuderriere.org/ -------------- To discover the Odysseys of Consciousness website, created by Jean-Yves Leloup: https://elearning.jeanyvesleloup.eu/ -------------- ZETEO: Objective 5 million On June 15, 2023, exactly one year ago, we expressed the wish to reach the objective of 3 million listens by the end of 2024. It was during La Nuit pour la Mission. We had just crossed the threshold, so important and so symbolic for us, of the 1st million. There is little doubt that the goal of 3 million will be reached and largely exceeded before the end of this year: It is with great joy that we have just reached a new threshold, in mid-June 2024, that of 2.5 million listeners! Zeteo is not racing for audiences. The choice of our guests and the topics discussed is far from any quantitative logic that would aim for misplaced prestige, or commercial strategies that, in our case, do not exist. However, we do not hide our joy when we discover the audience successes that our guests have. Each time, it is a sign that many hearts have been touched. It is the hope that Christ has manifested himself, alive and present, in an original way, often to those who did not know him. This new threshold of 2.5 million listeners crossed earlier than we could have imagined, is a very strong encouragement for us. He invites us to continue this mission by setting a new goal: to reach 5 million listeners by the end of 2025! If the Lord wills it, and if you will too, it is with your help that we will reach this next goal. And it is thanks to you that our podcasts will be able to contribute to the mission, to touch hearts, to maintain the joy of the relationship with Christ, but also to console, to reach those who are alone and those who suffer. In advance, a huge thank you to those who will respond to this call. To make a donation, simply click on this link: https://www.helloasso.com/association...