A relaxed and deep esports radio show hosted by XQQ and crow, updated on the 9th of every month. In this episode, we invite guests Oniya, Yuta Seki, and SHAKA to talk about their thoughts on EVOJapan. 🐱XQQ - / / iamxq 🕶Oniya - / / oniyanogame 🙏Seki Yuta - / / stylishnoob 🚬SHAKA - / / avashaka 00:00 Opening talk03:25 The four participants in EVO Japan05:33 About entry16:22 Characters that can win at EVO21:02 Aiming for Day 232:31 About the original EVO39:01 Ending⚡ZETA DIVISION X - / zetadivision Instagram - / zetadivision Web - https://zetadivision.com/ Store - https://store.zetadivision.com/ 🤝Partners Nissin Foods - https://www.nissin.com/jp/ JCB - https://www.jcb.jp/ LEVEL∞ - https://www.pc-koubou.jp/pc/game.php ZENAIM - https://zenaim.com/ Red Bull - https://www.redbull.com/jp-ja/energyd... BenQ ZOWIE - https://zowie.benq.com/ja/index.html Herman Miller - https://www.hermanmiller.com/ja_jp/ #ZETADIVISION #THEXQQANDCROWSHOW